Southern War Songs Camp-Fire, Patriotic & Sentimental

200+ Song Lyrics Collected, Arranged & Illustrated, By W. L. Fagan - online songbook

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Hurrah ! as over the hills it waves, Or is borne on the ocean's breast,
Hurrah! as it leads our valorous braves, Or is drooped o'er the hero's rest.
Whether it greets the uprising sun Or is bathed in the western light,
Beneath it shall all our hopes be won For " God will defend the right."
Air"John Anderson, my Jo."
In December, 1861, eighty-seven British ships-of-war were lying in the waters of the West Indies. This fact gave rise to the following imitation of an old song.
O, Johnny Bull, my Jo John! I wonder what you mean/ By sending all these frigates out, commissioned by the Queen; You'll frighten off the Yankees, John, and why should you
do so? But catch and sink, or burn them all, O, Johnny Bull, my Jo !
O, Johnny Bull, m3r Jo John ! when Yankee hands profane, Were laid in wanton insult upon the lion's mane, He roared so loud and long, John, they quickly let him go, And sank upon their trembling knees, O, Johnny Bull, my Jo !
O, Johnny Bull, my Jo John ! when Lincoln first began To try his hand at war, John, you were a peaceful man; But now your blood is up, John, and well the Yankees know, You play the------when you start, O, Johnny Bull, my Jo I